"Imagining the Future" - Pecha Kucha at SummerWorks 2016

A short sampling from the curated event featuring artists, thinkers, makers, doers, activators, and leaders from Toronto and beyond. Following the fast-paced Pecha Kucha format, speakers had seven minutes each to give mini-presentations focusing on the question "How do you imagine arts and culture 20 years from now?"

Full recording of the curated event featuring artists, thinkers, makers, doers, activators, and leaders from Toronto and beyond. Following the fast-paced Pecha Kucha format, speakers had seven minutes each to give mini-presentations focusing on the question “How do you imagine arts and culture 20 years from now?”

FEATURING (alphabetically): Dr. Mary Fogarty, Alex Johnson, Jane Kirby, Andy Moro, Christine Quintana, Joseph Recinos, Katie Sly, Donna Michelle St. Bernard, and Joshua Vittivelu.

Presented by SummerWorks, Koffler Centre of the Arts and Generator.