“A new era at Generator has begun: when we put out the call for leadership last spring, we shared that not only Kristina but Keshia, Sedina, and I all had plans to transition out of the organization in the short- to mid-term, and here we are, more than six months later, heading out on new journeys (but never far from Generator’s orbit). It’s time for Generator to be stewarded by a new group of individuals and for all the renewal and energy that comes with it!” —Annie
We know it’s not goodbye, just a transition into a different form of engagement with Generator—and we’re so excited to see the many ways our paths will all continue to intersect.
After four years at Generator, first as (very) part-time Communications Producer and more recently as full-time Communications & Operations Producer, Annie Clarke is moving into a new opportunity, joining the Soulpepper team as Producer later this month.
A note from Annie
Four years ago Kristina phoned me to ask if I could help Generator with some social media support while they were busy with #UrgentExchange events. I was thrilled to be asked, having lightly Twitter-stalked Generator since I discovered it soon after moving to Toronto in 2015. It felt like the coolest place I could possibly be, so I swallowed my imposter syndrome and dove into what has since become the longest working relationship of my life.
I officially joined the Generator staff in October 2018, entering a new team made up of Kristina Lemieux, Sedina Fiati, and Keshia Palm. Getting to sit around tables (and later Zoom rooms) with these three radical thinkers, shit disturbers, talented artists, and beautiful humans has been an honour that I have a hard time putting into words—I simultaneously feel like I won the lottery, and like I was very deliberately plucked from obscurity by Kristina for reasons I don’t understand but have to trust. These three have transformed me in ways that I am deeply grateful for, and that are still being revealed.
My first day at the Generator office in January 2018! When I thought I was signing on for a mere part-time one-month contract! The naïveté…!
When we thought I was leaving Generator, we tried to hire a new Communications Producer, but didn’t find anyone….so Kristina just waited until I came crawling back (hiring committee selfie with Christopher Manousos)
Probably my favourite photo of the four of us (sometime in spring 2019—shoutout to this team for making it easy for me to disappear to Paris for six months, approx. 4.7 lifetimes ago)
There is so much that I’m proud of in what we’ve done at Generator over the past four years. A huge part of what has made this journey so rewarding is Kristina’s mentorship and eagerness to bring me into different parts of the organization as my interests and skills grew. The pandemic killed the freelancer in me, so when I told Kristina I was starting to look for full-time work, the stars aligned (or Kristina puppeteered, I can never tell) and she found a way to keep me. What has followed, as I’ve stepped into the only full-time role at Generator since April of last year, has been a period of big challenges, bigger learnings, some resurgent imposter syndrome, and a whole lot of confidence (and skill!) growth. It has also brought my favourite thing I’ve ever done at Generator: producing the ‘Governance Reimaginings’ series, a project with Shakespeare in the Ruff and TO Love-in that led to copious thoughtful conversations and moments of beautiful connection in a time of COVID ups and downs.
Working at Generator has meant being in community with so many fierce, inspiring artists/producers/activists/change-makers, and being in their midst has made me feel like I have a home in this community—something I cherish deeply and don’t take for granted.
My proudest moment at Generator: winning the ‘Most Entertaining’ award at our Generator Generations belated holiday gathering in April 2021 (Olivia Shortt won ‘Best Dressed,’ in case that wasn’t obvious…please note the neon green fur coat. Also pictured here: Neta Rose, Keshia, Brian Postalian, Tsholo Khalema, Christopher Manousos, Sedina, Kristina, Kaitlyn Riordan, Emma Westray, and Erika Morey)
A distanced staff hang in Kristina’s backyard in June 2020, featuring Audrey, Meg, and Meg’s very new baby! (This will also be the photo I share with the world if my bike ever gets stolen—thieves beware!)
The closing gathering for the Strategic Advisors in December 2021! It was a privilege to be trusted with coordinating this program/beautiful experiment—I learned SO much from these folks (Daniel Bennett, Leelee Oluwatoyosi Eko Davis, Sedina, Brendan McMurtry-Howlett, Karthy Chin, Ryan G. Hinds, Nidhi Khanna—not pictured—and of course Kristina, yet again)
Getting to know, and working closely with, Michael over the past few months, as he continues to transition into and within the organization, has been an incredible experience! I am feeling so energized about what lies ahead under his stewardship, and I can’t wait to watch it unfold.
Generator will forever be where I worked on my first operating budget and where I did my first audit; where I learned how to write grants and how to use Squarespace; fell in love with AirTable and out of love with Twitter; but much more importantly: my time here has been one of deep values formation.
Wherever I go from here, I carry Generator with me, and wherever Generator goes from here, it carries me in its circle—and that is a lovely feeling.
One of my four visits to the office since March 2020! Getting to onboard Michael has been such a highlight—I can’t wait to see where he takes Generator next (and where he’s already taking it!)
Forever grateful for the many hours on Zoom with this community talking about ideas—this is from our ‘Food for Thought’ on Rethinking Boards (a recurring theme…) in October 2020 (pictured here: Kristina, Robyn Breen, Rohan Dhupar, Kaitlyn Riordan, Brock Hessel, Eva Barrie, Sedina, Jacqueline Costa, Brendan McMurtry-Howlett, and Keshia’s gorgeous headshot by Haley Garnett)
Celebrating the end of moving day (CSI Bathurst —> Trinity St. Paul’s) in September 20219—photo by plant-mobile-partner-in-crime Keshia Palm
Hitting the nail on the head by standing under the words “engaged with each other” at our (in-person!) Generator Generations gathering/transitions party in November 2021
“Annie has been Generator’s kiln. We have all brought her our incomplete drafts, our rough ideas, and our unpolished visions. She has a unique capacity to take it in and break apart what’s not ready and to clarify and solidify what is. Annie has been vital to what we have been able to accomplish and who we have been able to reach. I have relied on her heavily to work alongside me to craft how we connect with our communities through our communications. Her sense of care and deep listening have brought our ideas further and our connections wider.
Annie’s Generator story is perhaps the best case study of what I hoped Generator could do. Annie came to support us as a short-term contractor when we needed some specific help. We were attracted to her sharp commentary and the community care she showed on her own social media, so we brought her on to help us through a couple of months of tricky and important communications. Her skills with writing, strategy, and team connection were astounding. I thus spent the next several years doing what I could to ensure she would continue with Generator. Part of that was supporting her in her career goals and growth. Annie wanted to pursue a management path in the arts. We worked together to increase her financial literacy, grant writing for organizations, and various other operational skills. No matter what I threw at her, she learned conscientiously and excelled through adding her own touches. In the past year Annie has been the one to hold the organization as I took steps back. She played a vital role in the leadership call, governance project, and onboarding of Michael. Her work is often unseen, but it is deeply felt.
As Annie heads off to Soulpepper I am proud of all that she has accomplished and that she has been able to so quickly and elegantly increase her skills and confidence to land this amazing role. I can’t even begin to imagine what she will do next.”
About Annie
Annie Clarke (she/her) is a theatre artist and producer born and raised in Vancouver, on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. Annie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University, where she studied English (drama and theatre concentration) and History. As an independent theatre producer, she has worked on projects including Brain Storm (Lucid Ludic/Why Not), Julius Caesar (Groundling/Crow’s), and Cannibal (Scrap Paper Theatre/NSTF). For the past two years, Annie has been the General Manager for Groundling Theatre in Toronto, and the Communications Producer for F-O-R-M (Festival of Recorded Movement) in Vancouver. She begins a new adventure as Producer at Soulpepper Theatre in 2022.
Photo by LV Imagery